PinnedPublished inLevel Up CodingGo concurrency pattern: SemaphoreImplementing concurrent process on Go programming language is very easy, just run your function with go prefix, and boooom, your function…Dec 25, 20202217Dec 25, 20202217
PinnedGo concurrency pattern: PipelineConcurrency is the ability of a program for running multiple tasks simultaneously.Jun 24, 20191761Jun 24, 20191761
PinnedGo Concurrency Pattern: Worker PoolIn Go programming language, we can achieve concurrency by using goroutine. Goroutine is one of the most basic units Go programming…May 3, 20212966May 3, 20212966
Introduction to Distributed System Design PatternsDesigning distributed system is not as straight forward as non distributed one. We should take on consideration on communication…Nov 30, 20216Nov 30, 20216
Setup Unit Test in Go using Table Driven Test in Clean ArchitectureGuide to setup unit test in Go using Table Driven Test for testing Repository layer, UseCase layer and Delivery layer on Clean ArchitectureAug 18, 202143Aug 18, 202143
Published inGeek CultureIntroduction to Redis common patternsRedis (Remote Dictionary Server) is a in memory data store which can we used as a database, cache, and message broker. The most apparent…Jul 26, 202121Jul 26, 202121
Published inLevel Up CodingImplementing Redlock on Redis for distributed locksIn a multithreaded programming environment, we use locks to limit access to shared resources. An example of a lock is a mutex, its name…Jun 2, 2021791Jun 2, 2021791
Published inLevel Up CodingKong custom plugin development using GoSince version 2.0, Kong announced Go as one of the supported language to be used on Kong API Gateway plugins development beside Lua. Kong…Mar 28, 202135Mar 28, 202135
Implementasi SMS Retriever API di AndroidOne Time Password (OTP) via SMS dapat mempermudah pengguna aplikasi dalam proses autentikasi. Secara garis besar, proses nya dapat dilihat…Feb 2, 2019511Feb 2, 2019511
Mengenal arsitektur Model View ViewModel (MVVM) di Android — Bagian 1Model View ViewModel (MVVM) merupakan salah satu architectural pattern yang dipakai dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak berbasis Graphical…Dec 21, 2017470Dec 21, 2017470